Monday, January 25, 2010

out of this world

Sometimes I wonder how I ended up doing what I'm doing. The choice to be an actress, an artist, a writer, a wanderer - to lead a generally un-practical and uncertain life can often feel entirely arbitrary. I frequently find myself wondering - why couldn't I have become a veterinarian or something? I was good at science. I like animals. Is it too late? Should I change my mind about this whole thing? I'm not griping about the difficulties of an artist's life - all paths have their bumps in the road. I'm simply musing on why it is that I am where I am. I am not a person who believes in "destiny" or what is "meant to be." I was a good student - there were a lot of things I could have done if I'd wanted to. But I didn't. I decided to come to Hollywood where every other pretty girl is trying to get her face "in pictures." And beyond that - I don't really know why I love to act. It is a superficial business in many ways and I occasionally become concerned that I am in it for all the wrong reasons - ego, validation, because I think it will make people like me (which we know, of course, isn't really the case)...

But despite all of this, I do what feels right. I keep working. And sometimes, the validation comes not in the form of "You were so great!" but in the form of "Yes, I am supposed to be doing this. This is good for me." And when it feels right - I don't care why I'm doing it because it makes me feel like I can do anything. And that's the best feeling in the world.

I recently wrapped on my first feature film, Off World, and that is just the way this production made me feel. Playing the track-star, serious student, generally badass Shelly who confronts all kinds of mysterious dangers when her spaceship crash lands on an unknown planet was just right for me. I never thought of sci-fi/horror as a genre I'm particularly suited to. I never thought I'd find myself running through the woods from a monster at 1 in the morning wearing motorcycle pants (and five layers underneath them to fight the unbearable vain). Much less did I think I'd enjoy it. Yet, I did.
And it is just those kind of surprises that makes this journey a satisfying one.

The director, Emmett Callinan, hopes to have the film completed by the summer. I'll post updates as they come. Here are a couple photos in the meantime:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

new year, new project, new adventures

Well. Somehow another year has passed. It always seems to come as a shock.

2009 included some very exciting theater projects for me (The Echo One Acts, Doomsday Kiss!, 1001 Arabian Nights of the Living Dead, and NIBBLER) as well as the formation of my relationship with Origin Talent. I also shot two spec commercials, a webisode, an independent pilot, and some other little fun tidbits along the way. I've encountered aliens, been an 8 year old boy, kissed some very handsome men, and traveled to the future. Acting is awesome.

One of my major goals and hopes for 2010 is to progress my on-camera acting career and I'm starting off with a bang! Starting tomorrow (!!) I am embarking on a two week adventure filming the independent sci-fi/horror feature Off World. I play Shelly - a tough, independent, all around badass lady who knows how to handle herself in some tricky situations. Off World follows 6 college-aged kids in the future when their spring break plans don't go exactly as hoped... (won't give away more than that...). I am so excited (and a bit nervous!) to be working in a medium that is still relatively new to me and in a genre that is not the most familiar territory. I'll let you know how it goes...

Cheers to an intense 2010!



SOMEPLACE BETTER THAN HERE Supporting MMC Joule Films Devin Maurer

OFF WORLD Lead Perfect Bicep Productions Emmett Callinan

ATTICUS RUN Supporting Workshop Michael Weston


FALLEN Lead LA Film School Candido Cornejo Jr.

THE PHOTOGRAPHER Supporting NYFA Brett Carlson

GARDEN HOS Featured Obusters Comedy Jay Blair

CHECKED OUT Lead USC Film Zack Keller


CRACKED Co-star Next Movement Entertainment Justin Viar

THE DUEL Co-star Cape Fear Image Works R. Benjamin Warren

NOTHING BAD EVER HAPPENS TO NICK Guest Star Dees Guys Productions Michael Livingston


Conflicts available upon request


EVERYTHING WILL BE DIFFERENT Charlotte Echo Theater Company John Lawler

SHAKE Belinda Theatre of NOTE Kiff Scholl

*LASCIVIOUS SOMETHING Boy Circle X Theatre Co. Paul Willis

NIBBLER Hayley Theatre of NOTE Mark Seldis

1001 ARABIAN NIGHTS OF THE LIVING DEAD Ensemble Member Occidental Children’s Theater Jamie Angell

DOOMSDAY KISS! Tommy/Juliet REPO Division & Bootleg Theater Adrian Cruz/Amber Skalksi

I KNOW WHO YOU ARE Debbie Echo Theater Company Tara Karsian

PIN UP GIRLS Wilma Theatre Unleashed Andrew Moore

ALL THE WAY Lynn Write Act Repertory Dan Green

SEXUAL PERVERSITY IN CHICAGO Joan Free Botox Productions Jesse Gibbs

T. STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL & MR. ROGERS Ensemble Member Occidental Children’s Theater Jamie Angell

THE AWKWARD AGE Nanda/Aggie Occidental College John Bouchard

ONE FLEA SPARE Morse Occidental College Jamie Angell

HARTSHORNE Madeline Echo Theater Company Enrico Colantoni

EVERY MAN IN HIS HUMOUR Master Kitely The Oval House Theater (London) Nick Hutchison

SINCERITY FOREVER Furball 1 Occidental College Lisa Szolovits

BING Cherry Occidental College Chris Fields

CURSE OF THE STARVING CLASS Emma Occidenal College William Kaminski


Acting: Chris Fields – Scene Study & Repetition, June 2008-November 2009

Acrobatics, tumbling, movement, stage combat: Nick Erickson – Summer 2007 & Summer 2009

Occidental College, BA in Theater, 2007

Acting: John Bouchard, Alan Freeman, Jamie Angell, Laurel Meade

Magna Cum Laude, Phi Betta Kappa, Honors Graduate

Jack Bell Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement, The Awkward Age

Distinction in final comprehensive project in acting, One Flea Spare

British American Drama Academy Program Attendee (London, UK), Spring 2006


*Winner: Best Supporting Actress in a Play, TicketHolder Awards 2010

Company member, Echo Theater Company September 2008-present

Company member, Theatre of NOTE Septermber 2008-present

Instructor, Summer Institute of Fun: a theater camp for children ages 8-15 Summer 2007

Fantastiprov!: Improv-based comedy troupe member 2006-2007


Guitar (intermediate), Yoga (Intermediate-Advanced), Accents (Standard British, Southern, Western, Italian), Manual Driver, French (familiar)